It has been said that the O’Connor Family Dromultan lived on the farm ‘Below the Church' beside Scartaglin Village before they settled at Dromultan. At Dromultan, it is thought that John O'Connor who Married Hanora Browne from Mullin Scartaglin is the first recorded member of our Dromultan O'Connor Family. There, John/Hanora had the following children - Daniel (B1852), David B1853, Edmond B1855, Elizabeth B1856, John B1858, Joanna B1859 and Hanora B1861. One of the boys (Daniel) died young and tragically when a shotgun discharged accidentally. He and a 'servant' lad had seen rabbits and then both ran to get a gun that was kept in a ditch. In the race the gun went off and one of the O'Connor boys got shot and died. The name Daniel ‘died’ at Dromultan also. Edmond is the Father of David Ned O'Connor who Married Kate 'Jim' O'Leary from Mount Scartaglin. David Ned and Kate 'Jim' O'Leary lived on the O'Leary Farm at Mount Scartaglin.
Scanlon, Woodlands Currans
Hanora O'Connor, daughter to John & Hanora Browne O'Connor Dromultan Md John Batt Scanlon Woodlands Currans. Refer Family Scanlon Woodlands Currans Page for more details on the Scanlons.
Another O'Connor Family lived adjacent to the O'Connor Family Dromulton at Coolnageragh -
(O'Connor of Coolnageragh no connection as yet established to O'Connor of Dromulton)
O'CONNOR FAMILY Coolnageragh & W.H.O'CONNOR Ancestry:
O'CONNOR of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland.
Including Ancestry of W.H. O'Connor
Revised July 2013, copyright © Bill Jehan 1968-2013
Extract from this document: Cornelius "Con" H. O'Connor, B27.1.1886 (A twin) Castleisland (born in his parents' rooms, over the shop on Killarney Road, Castleisland, then owned by Dan O'Callaghan, later c1957 owned by D.J.Browne); bapt.30.1.1886 Castleisland. Con was a Farmer at the Homestead, Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, near Castleisland. He was the only member of his family who never left the old homestead at Coolnageragh. He died 25.11.1960. Con married Circa 1910 Nora H. Crowley BC 1878 Co. Kerry at MountFalvey, Scartaglin.
GL0 Family Tree: John O’Connor & Hanora Browne at Dromultan, Click on the Image below:
GL1 Family Tree: Edmond John O’Connor & Bridget Brosnan Dromultan
Scartaglin GAA Football Team in 1949
Lovely picture below of the Scartaglin GAA Football Team in 1949. Familiar Family names well represented.
In the picture: Jerh Connor Mount Scartaglin & San Fran, Michael. Patsy & John-Joe Kerin Scartaglin Village, Paddy Riordan, Murphy, Daly, Lyons ....
All Great Names associated with Scartaglin.
O’Connor Dromultan Gallery
Details on Graveyards, Headstones. Obituaries & Remembrances are located in the Documentation Section associated with each respective Family Name.